Laboring in the obscurity he so richly deserves for two decades now, your crusty correspondent sporadically offers his views on family, law, politics and money. Nothing herein should be taken too seriously: If you look closely, you can almost see the twinkle in Curmudgeon's eye. Or is that a cataract?
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Seasonal picture... from the mailbag
This came with lots of others, actually, but this is about the funniest.
Well, the funniest one that isn't, uh, gross. Or risque....
Is that the original "Whopper"? Have it my way??
Naw, it's Hardees new Monster superthick burger, served on a pumkin seed bun.
I don't get it... :)
hey! I didn't write that up there!! must've been spouse on my profile
Anyway, I noticed the pumpkin seeds. How festive.
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