Laboring in the obscurity he so richly deserves for two decades now, your crusty correspondent sporadically offers his views on family, law, politics and money. Nothing herein should be taken too seriously: If you look closely, you can almost see the twinkle in Curmudgeon's eye. Or is that a cataract?
well thanks curmy. i started the one to do ppp and then i won't have to put y'all through reading them! ha ha... but it has to be three months old so i will just keep plugging along for now.
Just thought I'd stop by and update you on the voting for bestest blog of the year. We've had over 8000 votes cast by over 100 different voters in just under a week. A contest update can be found at the new and improved brand new home of Bestest Blog!!, original details can be found here. With a week to go still, that $50 prize, title, and bragging rights is still up for grabs. Also, be sure to get in the running to be blog of the day again this year by joining the Blankest Blank Blog Directory. Thanks for reading and please stop by and leave a comment at the new Bestest Blog some time!
Your sticky post at the top of the blog has fooled me.
I've stopped by several times in the past few days saw the yellow which indicated to me that I'd read the latest post.
For some reason, rather than going back to the Favorites drop down, I was distracted and started scrolling down to discover that you'd been writing and I'd been ignoring.
Ever notice that computers encourage fast and sometimes wrong decision making?
Some of the more prolific bloggers (e.g., Barb) have used the Sticky Post concept to highlight posts that might otherwise get lost below the bottom of the screen, or to make a continuing point. I guess that didn't work for Dave in this instance -- but maybe because I haven't used it enough. I haven't "conditioned" my readers....
I did move the "Previous Posts" list up so it appears on the screen when you open this page... but I guess that didn't help either.
Reaching out to all disabled veterans- The Purple Heart Foundation has started a new training program for those who want to work from home. If you’re interested in the call center world, this training could be for you. To qualify you need to be a disabled veteran (10% rating) and be willing to work hard. There are opportunities for visually and hearing impaired and quadriplegic veterans. Information can be found on site: Training is as close to real time classes as possible and you can’t beat the commute. To all Marines, Navy, Army, Air Force vets- pass the message on. No vet will be left behind!
Very colourful and eyecatching! does one keep up mulitple blogs....
Made me look!
well thanks curmy. i started the one to do ppp and then i won't have to put y'all through reading them! ha ha... but it has to be three months old so i will just keep plugging along for now.
smiles, bee
Is the personality split between Georgia and Florida? Or the North and the South? Or fried vs, baked pies?
I like the sticky post. I said hi to Bee earlier today.
Hi again Curmudgeon,
Just thought I'd stop by and update you on the voting for bestest blog of the year. We've had over 8000 votes cast by over 100 different voters in just under a week. A contest update can be found at the new and improved brand new home of Bestest Blog!!, original details can be found here. With a week to go still, that $50 prize, title, and bragging rights is still up for grabs. Also, be sure to get in the running to be blog of the day again this year by joining the Blankest Blank Blog Directory. Thanks for reading and please stop by and leave a comment at the new Bestest Blog some time!
Finally, a sticky post!
Thanks, Curmudgeon!
Your sticky post at the top of the blog has fooled me.
I've stopped by several times in the past few days saw the yellow which indicated to me that I'd read the latest post.
For some reason, rather than going back to the Favorites drop down, I was distracted and started scrolling down to discover that you'd been writing and I'd been ignoring.
Ever notice that computers encourage fast and sometimes wrong decision making?
Dave -- in answer to your question: Yes.
Some of the more prolific bloggers (e.g., Barb) have used the Sticky Post concept to highlight posts that might otherwise get lost below the bottom of the screen, or to make a continuing point. I guess that didn't work for Dave in this instance -- but maybe because I haven't used it enough. I haven't "conditioned" my readers....
I did move the "Previous Posts" list up so it appears on the screen when you open this page... but I guess that didn't help either.
I like the sticky and already visited miss bee's new site :)
Reaching out to all disabled veterans- The Purple Heart Foundation has started a new training program for those who want to work from home. If you’re interested in the call center world, this training could be for you. To qualify you need to be a disabled veteran (10% rating) and be willing to work hard.
There are opportunities for visually and hearing impaired and quadriplegic veterans. Information can be found on site: Training is as close to real time classes as possible and you can’t beat the commute.
To all Marines, Navy, Army, Air Force vets- pass the message on. No vet will be left behind!
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