Laboring in the obscurity he so richly deserves for two decades now, your crusty correspondent sporadically offers his views on family, law, politics and money. Nothing herein should be taken too seriously: If you look closely, you can almost see the twinkle in Curmudgeon's eye. Or is that a cataract?
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Debate '08: Obama Girl vs Giuliani Girl
American political discourse reaches a new... and strange... level.
You've read about this... now see it for yourself.
At first I thought the video had something to do with two girls in the finals for American Idol/America’s Got Talent or similar show. When I saw the American flag my thought was how out of place it was. Then I saw the pictures of the candidates. Was this video made to inspire college boys to get out and vote? You are right. This is a new level of …I cannot think of a proper word.
sigh... is this what a political election has come to? oh my...
smiles, bee
You know what? If it gets people out to vote it's all good.
Its just not my Mama’s campaign anymore..
But have you seen the HILLARY girl? No joke. (well the video is a joke - and a darned funny one at that).
At first I thought the video had something to do with two girls in the finals for American Idol/America’s Got Talent or similar show. When I saw the American flag my thought was how out of place it was. Then I saw the pictures of the candidates. Was this video made to inspire college boys to get out and vote? You are right. This is a new level of …I cannot think of a proper word.
Shelby -- I've read about the Hillary girl video, but haven't yet watched it.
I'm sick of all the candidates and the election is more than a year away.
It's insanity, I tell you.
I saw them talking about this on the news... strange stuff, huh?
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