That's not odd, you say: When kids are in college, parents often have to provide financial transfusions.
True, I say, but it wasn't my money; it was his.
Well, you say, that does make it a tad unusual... but why is it odd?

I couldn't help think about all the parents out here in the Blogosphere with young children. Can they even imagine themselves performing any such errand?
I thought the situation was quite odd. Now you top it: Not gross, not grim... just odd. What's the oddest errand you've performed this week?
Yep, you're at the top of the odd errands i know of this week.
I think you've got me beat...The oddest thing I've done this week is go to work and deal with all the "characters" there. You've heard the saying, "It's hard to soar with eagles when you work with turkeys"....well, that about describes my job..problem is, they're CRAZY turkeys...
send the funds for charlie's online poker account. seems he didn't win.........sigh
I can only say that the week is not quite over.
I must admit you did an odd chore, I have put a lot of my money into #1 sons account, that is until we learned that enabling is not a good thing. The great thing about that is that he has now learned to put his own money in his account.
Shocking....... That was a good one Mr Curmudgeon, very shocking.
Oh by the way, Miss Bee was right, I put $200 on line, it always seemed that everone drew out on me, that seemed wrong to me.
that is quite odd!! did he make $$ with it?
odd errands.. I had to transport a guinea pig about 5 miles, but it was in a cage. Unusual for me however.
Odd yes, surprising - not really. I'm learning never to say never with my kids. Not saying I don't like it, just saying . . . expect the unexpected these days. Hope for the best - brace for the worst.
p.s. oh - odd errand for me.. that'd have to be today. First I have to back up and explain that since Thanksgiving weekend, my sleep has been turned around, just like happens with a newborn. From my strange but necessary study hours suddenly intensifying at that time, I stayed up all night about 3 nights in a row (napping for at the most 2-3 hours each day). Needless to say, since then, I've been reduced to being a night owl and day napper (still getting at the max 4 hours sleep). Last night was no exception. At 4:30 this morning when my husband woke up (yes it's early but he's used to it), I was wide awake reading. I sent him off to work, got the kids up, got them off to school. I had to then wait for the post office to open to mail some stuff I should have maield yesterday. I just wanted to beeline it back home to crawl in bed. While waiting in the parking lot of the post office, my husband called to ask if I cuold please pick up an office Christmas gift for around 20 bucks for a party today - he forgot. Ok, no problem, except that I hope I don't fall asleep at the wheel. So, that's my odd errand. I went by the drugstore, bought a mini portable shop vaccum spot remover thing, bought a gift bag and tissue paper, wrapped the thing up nice and raced home. I decided my husband could come home at lunch and retrieve it. And he did. The end. take care! :)
It's great news to hear he has closed his online poker account before it got the better of him, which is what we hear about in the UK.
I'm afraid I can't think of any odd errands this week, but they do happen from time to time.
All of them. hope this works i tried several times last nite. oh no something else for me to learn.
oh yea, rdl here.
It was odd of me to go out shopping.. that's about it.
I gave up the sink in the boys' bathroom to "grow" a giant lizard. It's one of those things where it starts out at about 4" and grows in water.
It's currently over a foot long, we'll probably end up having to throw it in the pool to see exactly how large it can get.
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