Thursday, March 15, 2007

A possible new feature -- or -- Eat your heart out, Andy Rooney

My blog friend Barb recently mentioned that my posts tend to be a little, well, looooooooong. And although I hope that all of you will hang around for every polished syllable, Barb, in a very nice way, suggested that there are only 24 hours in a day. Shorter posts might make it easier for people to visit and comment.

The "News and Views" segments are generally shorter -- but although I enjoy doing them and some of you enjoy reading them, they don't necessarily fit in with some of the other family or job related stuff I'm trying to do here. Inspiration for a short-form posting of this sort came to me at 3:00 this morning....


Anyone who has lived with teenagers will be familiar with this picture. No amount of wheedling or cajoling or harping or nagging seems to change the teenager's habit of leaving the toilet paper roll empty. Even leaving a ready replacement in plain view doesn't work.

But it occurred to me that we shouldn't be asking why teenagers won't replace the roll. Maybe we should ask, instead, how is it that, no matter how little is left, they seem always able to make do with what's there?



Fran said...

I liked your posts just the way they were........

And yes, I can totally relate to todays post........been there, been without!

The Curmudgeon said...

Thank you for your encouragement, Fran -- but I can't help but notice that you responded to the short post today and not the long one.

And thanks for reading.

Jean-Luc Picard said...

I like all sorts of posts; short ones can be too short, though.

Anonymous said...

Oooh my good grief! I could have lived another 100 years without asking myself that question! *LOL*

Too cute! :o)

Patti said...

Your long posts are interesting, Curm, but do remember that brevity is the soul of wit.

Claire said...

Ok i will be honest and say i love short posts!
But i do lurk and read longer ones, Honest!
Always listen to Barb she is a legend.
I am guilty of this and have also been a victim.
It is minging!

Lone Grey Squirrel said...

I enjoy your posts. I don't think they are too long but the short one is good too.

landgirl said...

Stay home and look after yourself! Convalescence is a time for healing and reflection not for wandering around Quixote fashion. The pain pills will affect you in ways that you can't predict and may not notice until much later.

Patti said...

Long Suffering Spouse should keep you at home where you belong, in front of your computer, keeping us readers amused.
Please don't overdo so early in your recuperation.

Where fibers meet mud said...

Short posts do help me get to work on time - right after I read the long tale of Kubla Khan - putting that link in there was a bad idea for progress in the morning - now to face my empty roll... and I have no children to blame...

cmhl said...

I have a 5 year old. My problem isn't so much the absence of toilet paper, but rather the ENTIRE roll floating in the bowl. Or perhaps the suspicion that the entire roll might have been floating mere moments ago, as I watch the toilet overflow.

or better yet!! the entire roll probably was floating, but then pulled out and salvaged and the evidence was cleverly camouflaged by putting the roll back on the , well, roll thing.

did you know that once it is submerged it never really dry out? trust me, it's true.

Anonymous said...

You've been nominated for a Thinking Blogger award! My own version of LSS (The Partnership for an Idiot Free America) got it from Pattie at Stolen Moments, and he's passing it to you. You can pick up a logo from Moof's place. By the way, the only reason I'm posting this on the shorter post as opposed to the longer one is because it was the latest one. I much prefer your long posts, but I'll read anything you write. I may not always comment, but I DO read them.

Linda said...

I may have to ask my 14-year old this question but I'm not so sure I want the answer!

As for posts, I like a variety of shorter and longer beause some things just can't be summed up in only a paragraph or two! But then again, I have been accused of being too wordy sometimes myself as my fingers tend to get carried away on me from time to time! But you know - it's all good!

rdl said...

what a good friend. great short post today!!