Monday, January 07, 2008

As if I needed another excuse: Study suggests daytime naps may boost long-term memories

A story posted today on Yahoo! News by Dave Mosher of discusses an Israeli study that says daytime naps may boost long-term memories.

And none of those wimpy catnaps, either: No, a good solid 90-minute nap seems to be the best for locking in long-term memories, which are defined as "memories that stay with us for years, such as 'what' memories — a car accident that happened yesterday — or 'how to' memories, such as one's learned ability to play the drums or tear it up in a game of soccer."

So next weekend, when Long Suffering Spouse chides me for snoozing the day away, I can tell her that I'm just trying to preserve my long-term memory.... It's just a shame I didn't see this story this weekend....

In fact, I'm thinking that the itinerary for an ideal day might be to first visit the laziness exhibit at the Museum of Bogota, Colombia... and then consolidate my long-term memories of the trip with a nice nap.

I'll sleep on that and get back to you....


sari said...

when I was in my 20's, I had a great job where I would work from 6AM - 2PM every day and then come home and take a 90 minute nap.

It was wonderful.

Now, I'm lucky if I get 90 minutes straight in the night but I guess the baby will be grown soon enough so I won't complain.

Jean-Luc Picard said...

In that case, I'll use that excuse if I fall asleep at the office.

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

shoot curmy, i've known this for years! can you imagine what i'd be like WITHOUT naps??? oh my!

smiles, bee

Unknown said...

Oh I needed an excuse to give Papa Bear, thanks...

Okay, I am begging my pals for a bit of help today and this week. I entered a poetry contest, part of my writing goal, and am asking you pop here: and if you like what you read, think about following the link at the end of the post and voting for me.
Thanks a bunch.
Your pal, Penelope

Ralph said...

Your memory is fine... Don't lawyers use those yellow legal lined pads to remember what they need to?

Jeni said...

Naps being one of my favorite things in the whole wide world, if they say it will help my memory, I'm really all for that then! Do the catnaps I take, sitting up, in front of the computer count too?

Patti said...

Naps rule. That's what Sunday afternoons are for, especially when it's winter out.