(And, no, don't worry: This isn't about politics.)
It's about Middle Son.
He graduated from college this Spring and, unlike so many of his classmates, he had a job -- a good job, apparently -- lined up and waiting for him. He'd interned with this accounting firm during the preceding summer and they'd offered him a full-time gig upon graduation. During the school year, they sent him a couple of updates -- I think they even bought him one of those 'finals care packages' that the schools are always selling... and I am never buying.
In fact, Middle Son was worried that he might have a conflict in June. His college baseball team won its conference championship and qualified for the NCAA tournament. If the team went deep in the tourney, Middle Son (a pitcher, you may remember) might miss his starting date.
I told him not to worry. That would be a good call to make. And things have a way of working out.
Things worked out all right: The team got swept in the first round. And the accounting firm? They called during finals week and pushed back his start date to September 1. The economy -- you may have noticed this too -- hasn't been great.
As of a couple of weeks ago, the start date was September 9.
Then, yesterday, it changed.
Now they asked if it would be OK if he could start on October 23.
In the words of Han Solo, "I've got a bad feeling about this, Chewy." Long Suffering Spouse and I both told him to say 'sure' -- and to feign as much enthusiasm as possible in making that response -- and to start looking around for something else.
Sometimes I hate being a parent.
When a kid is little and he falls down, you can get ice, you can give a hug, you can apply a Band-Aid. Oh, the blood may make you a tad queasy -- or the growing lump on the head -- and when kids get sick and start throwing up in the night, it's all you can do not to gag as well, but we can fake being strong and certain and provide real comfort in all these cases. Usually.
But for a problem like this?
I can't get him a job. Heck, I can't get me a job.
It eats me up. It also makes me so angry that steam comes out of my ears.
But I have court this morning, and must suck it up and march ahead. And so must Middle Son.
You have every right to be feeling the way you are now. My 'kids' range from age 34-28 and I have not stopped worrying about them, wishing better things for them, etc. I don't think we parents are supposed to anyway. It comes with the territory and whoever said parenting ends when the kids move out was crazy. (Besides they haven't really moved out until they get their stuff from the basement.)
I'm so sorry your son is getting the runaround. Better things are in the future for him.
What's wrong with my theme? :P
You mean I have something to look forward to in 10-13 years. Hope he finds a job that starts soon.
Calico Contemplations
interesting sak
Life is so full of change and there's so little to do about it. Good luck...
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