Friday, February 02, 2007

"Global warming" strikes again -- in Punxsutawney

Punxsutawney Phil did not see his shadow this morning, meaning winter is just about over.

Climate scientists immediately cited Punxsutawney Phil's prediction as providing further confirmation of their own dire predictions of climate change.

According to the AP story linked above, the scientists who've issued this latest doomsday report believe that "global warming is 'unequivocal,' 'very likely' man-made and will 'continue for centuries' — findings bleaker than its last report in 2001."

I'd believe the weather predictions for the centuries ahead if the weather predictions for this weekend were more reliable. But that's just me.


Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

well how much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

Linda said...

I totally agree with you on the whole accuracy thing. Our local forecasters said that we were getting up to four inches of snow today and we got a dusting that's gone already. Not that it upsets me at all, though! I rather hope that Phil is right and winter is nearing an end!

Lahdeedah said...

...and then when the forecasters DO predict Armagedden, and nobody believes them, because it's the fifth Armagedden this month, they go... well we DID predict it....

Claire said...

Do people (Americans) really take the groundhog thing seriously?
My Grandad used this wooden donkey thing, whenever its tail went curly it would rain, Honest!

Sarge Charlie said...

The science of global warming, based on a groundhog, good comparison..

The Curmudgeon said...

Ladeedah -- that's true: Even a stopped clock is right twice a day. But that doesn't mean the clock is somewhat accurate....

MommasWorld said...

I have always wondered if the weather man predicts and then the men in charge of Phil just say what they are told. I have never seen on TV where they show a shadow. It is usually a shot of two warmly dressed men scooping up a Ground Hog. No shot of the Ground Hog coming out of the "hole". Where do they keep Phil the rest of the year? I don't suppose he is left in the "hole" all year. He might escape and then what would they do?

Yikes! You made me start thinking again. What am I going to do about you?