Laboring in the obscurity he so richly deserves for two decades now, your crusty correspondent sporadically offers his views on family, law, politics and money. Nothing herein should be taken too seriously: If you look closely, you can almost see the twinkle in Curmudgeon's eye. Or is that a cataract?
Thursday, June 14, 2007
As a parent, I found this funny -- in a horrifying this-could-happen-to-me sort of way....
From Natalie Dee. (Some titles of, or language in Ms. Dee's cartoons may be inappropriate to younger or more sensitive bloggers.)
Linda -- Amanda should talk to Bennie, seriously, since he makes his living as an artist... and, although I'm strictly a cultural Philistine, you understand, it seems that your daughter has talent....
Lois -- culinary school? At least second child will not starve, right?
Hey! I resemble that cartoon!
Good artwork. Interesting cartoon.
Oh dear ... Amanda wants to go to art school after high school!
We're sending second child through culinary school. I'd hate to see what that cartoon would look like...LOL!
But, alas, culinary student's older sister gets off the "daddy dole" next week...
:sigh of relief & keeping fingers crossed:
Bennie -- no offense intended!
Jean Luc -- Indeed.
Linda -- Amanda should talk to Bennie, seriously, since he makes his living as an artist... and, although I'm strictly a cultural Philistine, you understand, it seems that your daughter has talent....
Lois -- culinary school? At least second child will not starve, right?
I have a very artistic child and wonder if that will be me in the fairly near future.
Oh how true....and then what.....
I'm lucky on this one. I'm too poor LOL
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