Three is an important number... in math, it is the smallest odd prime number. It is the only number that tort lawyers really understand: Every plaintiff's lawyer can divide by three. Trust me on this.
There are Three Fates (Clotho, Lachesis, Atropos) -- go ahead! win a bet at lunchtime with this one, on me.
There are three branches of the American government: Legislative, Executive and Judicial.
Noah had three sons, Shem, Ham and Japheth. The three patriarchs of the Old Testament are Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. When we read the Passion (this week being Holy Week) we are reminded that Jesus warned Peter that Peter would deny Him three times. And, of course, three is the number of the Trinity: One God in three Persons.
But Barb does not ask for a discourse on the concept of three. She asks for a list of three. So, without further adieu:
Three people who should never be seen together:
- a priest,
- a rabbi, and
- a minister.
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Three people who will always be awkward in a social setting:- You,
- Your Significant Other, and
- Your Former Significant Other.
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Three things that do not go together (Opening Day Edition)- Cold weather,
- baseball, and
- open air stadiums.
I will be out there today, courtesy of my friend Steve. He called yesterday afternoon to see if I could still go. He asked, "Will that Curmudgeon you work for allow you to take tomorrow afternoon off?"
(Explanation to first-time visitors: I'm self-employed.)
I'm also apparently well-named. (Steve has no idea that I use "Curmudgeon" as my nom de blog.)
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We can't close today's installment without a big thank you to Barb for this award:
If Blogmistress isn't a word, it should be. (Spell check doesn't think it is.)
LOL at the priest, rabbi and minister.
I tend to agree with you on the people in a social setting. I wonder.. Is that something you've experienced?
Um.. thanks for sending that snow to Michigan. Not. :P
Good post, as always. But, don't they televise games in your town? :)
Great lists. I loved this post. I wish I could be more witty.
...have to be in federal court.. a likely story.
really tho, y'know I don't like tags.
I'm thinking either you got a laptop and are blogging from it, or you've developed supersonic hyperspeed. I don't know where the Undisclosed Location is, but I'm betting it's farther than ten minutes away from that Federal Court building...
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