Sunday, May 04, 2008

So -- where has Curmudgeon been this past week?

Well, I told you I needed a break -- but I didn't think it would last this long either.

But there's so much to do right now... and only limited time in which to do it.

It's actually been kind of nice these past few days to start in on the day's activities upon arriving at the Undisclosed Location... instead of blogging until noon. I'm getting reasonably caught up on a number of things -- and, if I get this brief I'm working on written today....

Of course, at the moment, I seem to be blogging. In truth, I'd rather be blogging... but I can't eat comments or deposit Sitemeter stats at the bank.

So I'm trying to work out a new schedule that will allow me to work and blog on the same day. I've got some ideas and I hope to begin implementing them this week.

That should put a rest to those nasty rumors that I've merely been loitering at the bank, waiting for my "stimulus" payment to come in....


TroyBoy said...

You've been missed. But it's true that you have to put milk on the table. I home your plan to do both works out!

Patti said...

hi Mr. C.: I'm back visiting